
A world without nurses is harder to imagine than an asteroid smashing into earth.

Tag Archive for registerednurse

RNchat Transcript – January 29, 2010

Below is a SlideShare of #RNchat for Friday January 29, 2010, organized in chronological order (from beginning of chat to sometime just after). Today’s topics were:

T1 Nursing Informatics: What would you include in a Nrsg Informatics undergrad program?T2 Green Nursing: What efforts to “green” nursing have you seen. What are biggest priorities?T3 Unrestricted Visiting Hours: What are your thoughts? What might justify restrictions?T4 Apple’s iPad: Do you think such a devise is worth investing in? How could it improve nursing process?

As always, thank you to those who joined today. If you’re new to #RNchat, just follow @RNchat on Twitter and we’ll provide updates and links on how to make the best use of this nursing chat. You can also send inquires to info [at] RNchat [dot] org.


RNchat Transcript – December 1, 2009

Below is a SlideShare of today’s #RNchat, organized in chronological order (from beginning of chat to sometime just after). Today’s topics were:

  1. Work Satisfaction: For nurses who are struggling with love of the profession, what are the reasons? What can help?
  2. Shortage of Willing Nurses: What realistic things can be done to quell the shortage?
  3. Thank You: How often do you hear that from the lips of administrators?
T1 h1n1 Vaccine: Do facilities have a right to mandate nurses to get vaccinated? #RNchat
T2 Education Requirements: Should a BSN be the minimum requirement for RN? Why or why not? #RNchat
T3 Fall prevention: What are best practices? Are dangerous practices still being taught/reinforced? #RNchat

You can download the file or view it in Full Screen mode as a slide show:

As always, thank you to those who joined today. If you’re new to #RNchat, just follow @RNchat on Twitter and we’ll provide updates and links on how to make the best use of this nursing chat. You can also send inquires to info [at] RNchat [dot] org.
