
A world without nurses is harder to imagine than an asteroid smashing into earth.

Tag Archive for transcript

RNchat Transcript – January 22, 2010

Below is a SlideShare of #RNchat for Friday January 22, 2010, organized in chronological order (from beginning of chat to sometime just after). Today’s topics were:

  1. T1 Psych Nursing: What are the biggest hurdles to proper treatment? (Not just for “Psych RNs” here – all Nursing.)
  2. T1 As a follow-up: in your opinions has Psychiatry evolved much in 50 yrs? Or has it been neurobiology & psychopharm doing legwork?
  3. T2 Nursing Challenges: What are the worst things about Nursing? What can be done to make changes?
  4. T3 Internet Health: As the world increasingly uses the (Social) Web, what are the downsides? Addictions potential?

As always, thank you to those who joined today. If you’re new to #RNchat, just follow @RNchat on Twitter and we’ll provide updates and links on how to make the best use of this nursing chat. You can also send inquires to info [at] RNchat [dot] org.


RNchat Transcript – January 15, 2010

Below is a SlideShare of today’s #RNchat, organized in chronological order (from beginning of chat to sometime just after). Today’s topics were:

  1. T1 Tape: We’ll start light. So, tell us: how do you use tape? Are you honoring the stereotype? 🙂
  2. T2 Celebrity Docs: Any “famous” docs who stand out for their online or offline media presence? Any nurses?
  3. T3 Education Advancement: How important is building academic credentialing? Any programs matter the most?
  4. T4 Internet’s Influence: How has the Internet changed Nursing? What hasn’t it change?

As always, thank you to those who joined today. If you’re new to #RNchat, just follow @RNchat on Twitter and we’ll provide updates and links on how to make the best use of this nursing chat. You can also send inquires to info [at] RNchat [dot] org.


RNchat Transcript – December 29, 2009

My friend Ellen Richter was very kind enough to answer my request for a moderator of RNchat held last night. One of my original goals in founding RNchat was to take advantage of the incredibly diverse range of nursing experiences and have several moderators. The benefits are obvious: every nurse has unique perspectives and experiences and opinions and having different moderators enriches the kinds of conversations we can have on these Twitter chats. Furthermore, I would eventually like to invite doctors and patients and patient activists and many others to moderate these chats. And I don’t want to exclude LPNs or CNAs (RNchat is just a shorter username than NurseChat).Please let me know if you’re interested in moderating – either email Info@RNchat.org or hit me on Twitter: @PhilBaumann.Below is a SlideShare of today’s #RNchat, organized in chronological order (from beginning of chat to sometime just after). Today’s topics were:

  1. Robo-nurses.
  2. Using software to deliver care using algorithms & decision-trees.
  3. Malpractice Litigation

You can download the file or view it in Full Screen mode as a slide show:

As always, thank you to those who joined today. If you’re new to #RNchat, just follow @RNchat on Twitter and we’ll provide updates and links on how to make the best use of this nursing chat. You can also send inquires to info [at] RNchat [dot] org. Ellen did a fantastic job and my invitation to her and anyone else is open.


RNchat Transcript – December 1, 2009

Below is a SlideShare of today’s #RNchat, organized in chronological order (from beginning of chat to sometime just after). Today’s topics were:

  1. Work Satisfaction: For nurses who are struggling with love of the profession, what are the reasons? What can help?
  2. Shortage of Willing Nurses: What realistic things can be done to quell the shortage?
  3. Thank You: How often do you hear that from the lips of administrators?
T1 h1n1 Vaccine: Do facilities have a right to mandate nurses to get vaccinated? #RNchat
T2 Education Requirements: Should a BSN be the minimum requirement for RN? Why or why not? #RNchat
T3 Fall prevention: What are best practices? Are dangerous practices still being taught/reinforced? #RNchat

You can download the file or view it in Full Screen mode as a slide show:

As always, thank you to those who joined today. If you’re new to #RNchat, just follow @RNchat on Twitter and we’ll provide updates and links on how to make the best use of this nursing chat. You can also send inquires to info [at] RNchat [dot] org.


RNchat – Transcript November 17, 2009

Below is a SlideShare of today’s #RNchat, organized in chronological order (from beginning of chat to sometime just after). Today’s topics were:

  • T1 h1n1 Vaccine: Do facilities have a right to mandate nurses to get vaccinated? #RNchat
    T2 Education Requirements: Should a BSN be the minimum requirement for RN? Why or why not? #RNchat
    T3 Fall prevention: What are best practices? Are dangerous practices still being taught/reinforced? #RNchat
  • T1 h1n1 Vaccine: Do facilities have a right to mandate nurses to get vaccinated?
  • T2 Education Requirements: Should a BSN be the minimum requirement for RN? Why or why not?
  • T3 Fall prevention: What are best practices? Are dangerous practices still being taught/reinforced?

You can download the file or view it in Full Screen mode as a slide show:

As always, thank you to those who joined today. If you’re new to #RNchat, just follow @RNchat on Twitter and we’ll provide updates and links on how to make the best use of this nursing chat. You can also send inquires to info [at] RNchat [dot] org.

RNchat – Transcript November 11, 2009

Below is a SlideShare of today’s #RNchat, organized in chronological order (from beginning of chat to sometime just after). Today’s topics were:

  • T1 Mentoring: What are the most effective mentoring techniques. What fails? What works?
  • T2 Behavior Reinforcement in Hand Hygiene: Should positive/negative reinforcement be more ubiquitous? See http://bit.ly/1Fipcc
  • T3 What improvements/innovations would make medication prescribing/admin safer? Biggest risks currenty observed?

You can download the file or view it in Full Screen mode as a slide show:

As always, thank you to those who joined today. If you’re new to #RNchat, just follow @RNchat on Twitter and we’ll provide updates and links on how to make the best use of this nursing chat. You can also send inquires to info [at] RNchat [dot] org.

RNchat Transcript – November 4 2009

Below is a SlideShare of today’s #RNchat, organized in chronological order (from beginning of chat to sometime just after). Today’s topics were Families of Patients, Nurse-Doctor Relationships and the meaning of labels such as “Patient” versus “Consumer”.You can download the file or view it in Full Screen mode as a slide show:

As always, thank you to those who joined today. If you’re new to #RNchat, just follow @RNchat on Twitter and we’ll provide updates and links on how to make the best use of this nursing chat. You can also send inquires to info [at] RNchat [dot] org.

RNchat Transcript: October 29, 2009

Below is a SlideShare of today’s #RNchat, organized in chronological order (from beginning of chat to sometime just after). Today’s topics were Drug Diversion. Usually we have two topics, but tonight’s topic seemed to spark a lot of interesting dialogue, so I let it go on for the entire hour. These slide decks are also on RNchat’s Transcripts page.NOTE: Twitter crashed just as the chat started and so the tweet about the topic (T1) did not make it into the file below. Here’s Topic 1:

T1 Drug Diversion: What have been your experiences (be mindful of confidentiality of course). Big problem? Getting better or worse? #RNchat

You can download the file or view it in Full Screen mode as a slide show:

As always, thank you to those who joined today. If you’re new to #RNchat, just follow @RNchat on Twitter and we’ll provide updates and links on how to make the best use of this nursing chat. You can also send inquires to info [at] RNchat [dot] org.

RNchat Transcript: October 22, 2009

Below is a SlideShare of today’s #RNchat, organized in chronological order (from beginning of chat to sometime just after). Today’s topics were Nursing’s Relationship with Technology and Patient Safety. These slide decks are also on RNchat’s Transcripts page.You can download the file or view it in Full Screen mode as a slide show:

As always, thank you to those who joined today. If you’re new to #RNchat, just follow @RNchat on Twitter and we’ll provide updates and links on how to make the best use of this nursing chat. You can also send inquires to info [at] RNchat [dot] org.

RNchat Transcript: October 9, 2009

Below is a SlideShare of today’s #RNchat, organized in chronological order (from beginning of chat to sometime just after). Today’s topics were Virtual Health (testing the limits of web-based health care) and Radical Re-Think (what fundamental nursing traditions need to be re-visited & challenged). These slide decks are also on RNchat’s Transcripts page.You can download the file or view it in Full Screen mode as a slide show:

As always, thank you to those who joined today. If you’re new to #RNchat, just follow @RNchat on Twitter and we’ll provide updates and links on how to make the best use of this nursing chat. You can also send inquires to info [at] RNchat [dot] org.